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Greetings from I.G.Mahila Mahavidyalaya, udala, an institution with a founding history and tradition of educating, encouraging and empowering girl children to transform them into resilient, resourceful and responsible young women.

It is a place where the faculty and students nurture a symbiotic relationship and strive to offer their best to the curricular, co- curricular and extra-curricular activities.  While mentoring functions as the cornerstone of teaching - learning experience, the Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities remain its life source. Through seminars, workshops, cultural and talent shows, each student finds her space. Students are encouraged to acquire leadership roles that are honed by exposure to and interaction with leading experts, academicians,. Through these avenues, students are exposed to a window of opportunities and a bridge to cross over to the professional world.

Education at I.G.M.M udala , is focused  towards Academic excellence, Cultural sensitivity, Environmental adaptability and Community outreach. The College welcomes young women, to transform themselves and their world.


Sashibhusan Panigrahi