The Hostel functions on the principles of love, discipline, honour and service. It is available for bonafide students of the College. The rules and regulations are generally rigid and are deliberately planned so. The aim is to help young women learn to use the privileges of hostel community and to accept its restrictions and responsibilities. To facilitate the smooth functioning of the hostel, the Hostel Advisory Committee has been constituted.
1. A separate form must be filled for the admission to the hostel and this form can be obtained from the college office. Admission to the hostel shall be in accordance with the merit of the students.
2. It is compulsory for the parents to submit 2 attested photographs of all visitors in addition to their own photographs at the time of admission of their ward to the hostel. The hostellers can leave the hostel premises only with the visitors (allowed by their parents with the permission of the Superintendent / Principal).
3. Permission for taking tuitions outside the college will not be granted.
4. The sick students are not allowed to rest in their hostel rooms during the college hours without the prior permission of the Superintendent.
5. In case a hosteller is found quarrelling with her fellow inmates, her parents will be called to meet the Superintendent immediately.
6. Parents of the Hostellers should meet the hostel Superintendent once in a month to discuss their ward’s performance and other problems, if any.
7. Hostellers are prohibited from carrying their meals to their rooms. It is mandatory to eat lunch and dinner in the dining hall only.
8. No parents/guardians are allowed to meet their ward after 5.30 pm. Parents/guardians of the Hostellers may visit them as per the schedule fixed by the College from time to time.
9. Attendance at the prayer meeting is compulsory for all the boarders.
10. Study hours fixed by the Hostel should be observed strictly.
11. Each boarder will be responsible for the safe custody of the furniture (a chair, a table and a hard bed etc.) issued to her.
12. Tampering with electric and sanitary installations is strictly prohibited.
13. The hostellers are not permitted to use any personal electric appliance or keep any music system in the room.
14. The hostellers are advised not to keep cash or costly jewellery in the hostel. Any loss suffered by them will be their own responsibility.
15. No student will absent herself from a class without the permission of the hostel Superintendent. In case a student is found doing so repeatedly, her parents shall be informed about the negligence in studies by their ward.
16. Hostel fees once paid will not be refunded.
17. Allotment of rooms is done by the Superintendent in consultation with the Principal. If required, a boarder can get her room changed within 15 days of allotment.
18. A boarder may be expelled from the hostel if she stays away from the hostel without the prior permission of the authorities or is found guilty of misconduct.
19. There is no reduction made in the mess charges if a resident stays away for less than a fortnight at a stretch. She cannot be exempted from paying the minimum charges for meals as fixed by the Mess Management. In case of leave for more than 15 days, a boarder must get an application signed from the Principal for reduction in the mess charges.
20. A boarder must observe meal timings. Meals will not be served before or after the fixed hours.
21. Day scholars are not allowed to visit the hostel. If any resident scholar entertains a day scholar or a guest without permission, strict disciplinary action will be taken against her and the day scholar will be fined.
22. Residents must read the notices put up on the hostel notice board daily.
23. The Principal/the Superintendent/Members of the hostel committee will inspect the hostel frequently.
24. A boarder may be asked to leave the hostel if her hostel fee is pending for more than 45 days.
25. Lights and fans should be switched off when not in use.
26. The boarders are expected to dress up modestly and simply. (Parents are requested to guide their wards in this regard.)
27. Ignorance of rules will not be accepted as an excuse for their non – observance.
28. A student is not allowed to see the hostel officials at residence. All official business will be transacted in the office of the Superintendent during the fixed hours.
29. Except on Sundays, the time for studying will be specified by the Hostel Authority and proper supervision is undertaken during these hours.
30. All the letters shall be given to the hostellers after being opened by the Superintendent.
31. Mobile phones are not allowed in the hostel.
32. In case a student is unwell, she must report to the Matron immediately for speedy medical service.
33. It is compulsory for the students to attend to their roll call every evening.
34. Each boarder should bring her own beddings, clothing, one-set of plate cup-class etc. and other necessaries regarding personal use.
35. Hostel charges are likely to change as and when necessary.
1. Students and their parents or local guardians are required to make themselves fully conversant with the rules of the college given herein, as they are bound by them, and their signature on the Application Form for Admission to the Hostel indicate that they agree to conform to the rules and regulations of the hostel. They can procure a copy of revised Hostel Rules at the time of Admission.
2. Every resident student who joins the hostel is expected to respect all the hostel rules and regulations pertaining to attending classes, dining room, outings (weekends / days outing), meeting people on and off campus, reporting when sick, the use of phones, etc. Resident students indulging in non-conventional and non-traditional life styles will be asked to find alternative accommodation immediately.
3. The Principal also reserves the right to induct new rules or modify/change any Rule whenever she feels the necessity for the smooth operation of the Hostel Management.